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Dominion Structures


  • Dominion Construction Yard
  • Dominion Coal Plant
  • Dominion Training Camp
  • Dominion Ore Refinery
  • Dominion War Factory
  • Dominion Shipyard
  • Dominion Communications Post
  • Dominion Airbase
  • Dominion Nuclear Reactor
  • Dominion Battle Lab
  • Dominion Industrial Plant
  • Dominion Fortress Wall
  • Dominion Flame Turret
  • Dominion Autocannon Tower
  • Dominion Blast Trap
  • Dominion Shock Pylon
  • Dominion Dominus Array
  • Dominion Outpost
  • Dominion Remote Mining Station
  • Dominion Magnetizer
  • Dominion Quakemaker
  • Experimental Tech: Typhoon
  • Experimental Tech: Ironblight
  • Experimental Tech: Supernova

Support Powers / Superweapons

  • Surveyor Drone
  • Remote Mining Station
  • Tank Drop
  • Fallout Engine
  • Chaos Wave
  • Primus Override
  • Iron Skin
  • Magnetizer
  • Salvage Repairs
  • Seismic Shockwave
  • Boomboost
  • Blightbearer
  • Orbit Crown

Dominion Construction Yard

Purpose: Base Construction, Radar
Dominion Construction Yard
  • Cost: N/A ($4000)
  • Prerequisite: Deploy From Dominion MCV
  • Hitpoints: 3000
  • Armor Type: Heavy Structure
  • Power: +50

Description Not Available

Dominion Construction Yard

Additional Information:

  • Can be infiltrated to reset owner's radar view and support power timer.
  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Can release survivors upon destruction.

Support Power: Surveyor Drone

Surveyor Drone
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Additional Prerequisites: Communications Post
  • Powered: No

A small, controllable recon drone is delivered at the targeted area to scout out undiscovered parts of the battlefield.

Dominion Coal Plant

Purpose: Power Production
Dominion Coal Plant
  • Cost: $700
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Hitpoints: 1200
  • Armor Type: Light Structure
  • Power: +150

Description Not Available

Dominion Coal Plant

Additional Information:

  • Can be infiltrated to disable owner's base power for 1 minute.
  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Can release survivors upon destruction.

Dominion Training Camp

Purpose: Infantry Training
Dominion Training Camp
  • Cost: $500
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Armor Type: Light Structure
  • Power: -25

Description Not Available

Dominion Training Camp

Additional Information:

  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Can release survivors upon destruction.

Dominion Ore Refinery

Purpose: Resource Collection
Dominion Ore Refinery
  • Cost: $2000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Armor Type: Heavy Structure
  • Power: -25

Description Not Available

Dominion Ore Refinery

Additional Information:

  • Can be infiltrated to steal 10% of owner's credits (max. 5000).
  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Can release survivors upon destruction.

Dominion War Factory

Purpose: Vehicle Production
Dominion War Factory
  • Cost: $2000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Training Camp, Ore Refinery
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Armor Type: Heavy Structure
  • Power: -50

Description Not Available

Dominion War Factory

Additional Information:

  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Can release survivors upon destruction.

Dominion Shipyard

Purpose: Naval Vessel Production
Dominion Shipyard
  • Cost: $1500
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Training Camp
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Armor Type: Heavy Structure
  • Power: -50

Description Not Available

Dominion Shipyard

Additional Information:

  • Cannot be captured by engineers.

Dominion Communications Post

Purpose: Technology & Support Power Provision
Dominion Communications Post
  • Cost: $2000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Training Camp
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Armor Type: Light Structure
  • Power: -100

Description Not Available

Dominion Communications Post

Additional Information:

  • Can be infiltrated to gain one-time, free-to-use Tank Drop support power & reset support power timers.
  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Can release survivors upon destruction.

Support Power: Remote Mining Station

Remote Mining Station
  • Recharge Time: 7:00
  • Cost: $2500
  • Additional Prerequisites: Any construction yard
  • Powered: No

A Dominion Remote Mining Station that uses three small mining drones to collect resources is created at the chosen location anywhere on the battlefield.

Support Power: Tank Drop

Tank Drop
  • Recharge Time: 7:00
  • Cost: $2400
  • Powered: No

A cargo plane is sent to drop three Oppressor Tanks at the chosen destination.

Dominion Airbase

Purpose: Aircraft Production
Dominion Airbase
  • Cost: $1500
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Communications Post
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Armor Type: Light Structure
  • Power: -50

Description Not Available

Dominion Airbase

Additional Information:

  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Can release survivors upon destruction.

Dominion Nuclear Reactor

Purpose: Advanced Power Production
Dominion Nuclear Reactor
  • Cost: $1500
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Communications Post
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Armor Type: Light Structure
  • Power: +800

Description Not Available

Dominion Nuclear Reactor

Additional Information:

  • Explodes violently upon destruction, damaging nearby things & releasing radiation.
  • Can be infiltrated to disable owner's base power for 2 minutes.
  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Can release survivors upon destruction.

Support Power: Fallout Engine

Fallout Engine
  • Recharge Time: 7:00
  • Affects Players: Team
  • Area of Effect: 3-Cell Radius
  • Powered: Yes

Increases movement speed of friendly vehicles by 40% for 30 in-game seconds and makes them leak harmful radiation which damages any nearby enemy units. Units utilizing nuclear technology (Tokamak, Visionary, Catastrophe and Pandemonium) are also powered up, gaining a 100% boost to their effective firepower.

Dominion Battle Lab

Purpose: Technology & Support Power Provision
Dominion Battle Lab
  • Cost: $5000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, War Factory, Communications Post
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Armor Type: Light Structure
  • Power: -200

Description Not Available

Dominion Battle Lab

Additional Information:

  • Can be infiltrated to gain one-time, free-to-use Chaos Wave support power & reset support power timers.
  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Can release survivors upon destruction.

Support Power: Chaos Wave

Chaos Wave
  • Recharge Time: 7:00
  • Affects Players: Enemies
  • Area of Effect: 3-Cell Radius
  • Cost: $2000
  • Powered: Yes

Emits a peculiar disruption wave from the Battle Lab that will hit the targeted area shortly after activation and makes any affected enemy units go berserk and attack friendlies for 20 in-game seconds.

Support Power: Primus Override

Primus Override
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Affects Players: Owner
  • Additional Prerequisites: Dominus Array
  • Powered: Yes

Overloads all Dominus Arrays and allows them for duration of 2 in-game minutes to permanently mind control their targets in exchange for additional 300 units of power drained and the Dominus Arrays having their armor strength reduced by 25% for 5 in-game seconds every time they mind control a target.

Dominion Industrial Plant

Purpose: Technology Provision, Vehicle Cost Reduction, Vehicle Recycling, Support Power Provision
Dominion Industrial Plant
  • Cost: $7500
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Battle Lab
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Armor Type: Heavy Structure
  • Power: -300

Description Not Available

Dominion Industrial Plant

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 1
  • Can be infiltrated to view owning player's current credits & reset support power timer.
  • Reduces vehicle costs (excluding ore miners, MCV's & experimental units) by 20%.
  • Can recycle vehicles for some credits based on their cost.
  • Provides $100 every 10 in-game seconds.
  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Can release survivors upon destruction.
  • Cannot be captured by engineers.

Support Power: Iron Skin

Iron Skin
  • Recharge Time: 7:30
  • Affects Players: Team
  • Area of Effect: 2.5-Cell Radius
  • Powered: Yes

A special chemical coating makes friendly vehicles or landed aircraft in the targeted area invulnerable to any damage or other harmful effects for 45 in-game seconds. It will also kill or severely damage all infantry, friend or foe.

Support Power: Magnetizer

  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Cost: $1500
  • Additional Prerequisites: Any construction yard
  • Powered: No

A Dominion Magnetizer is created at targeted location, reducing aircraft movement speed by 30% in a 25-cell area around itself and being able to target a single aircraft with a magnetizer beam to completely stun them (except experimental air units, which instead get their speed halved). After 2 in-game minutes the Magnetizer will self-destruct.

Support Power: Salvage Repairs

Salvage Repairs
  • Recharge Time: 2:00
  • Affects Players: Owner
  • Additional Prerequisites: Is also provided by Outpost
  • Powered: No

For duration of 30 in-game seconds, vehicles within 5-cell radius from Industrial Plant and all Outposts will be gradually repaired. After use, to be able to use Salvage Repairs again atleast 1500 credits must be accumulated from recycling vehicles at Industrial Plant.

Dominion Fortress Wall

Purpose: Passive Defense
Dominion Fortress Wall
  • Cost: $100
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Armor Type: Heavy Structure
  • Power: 0

Description Not Available

Dominion Fortress Wall

Dominion Flame Turret

Purpose: Anti-Infantry Base Defense
Dominion Flame Turret
  • Cost: $500
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Training Camp
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Armor Type: Basic Defense
  • Power: 0
  • Flamethrower (x2)
    • Range: 7 · Area of Effect: 0.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry
Dominion Flame Turret

Additional Information:

  • Can gain experience.
  • Cannot be captured by engineers.

Dominion Autocannon Tower

Purpose: Anti-Aircraft Base Defense
Dominion Autocannon Tower
  • Cost: $1000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Training Camp
  • Hitpoints: 1250
  • Armor Type: Basic Defense
  • Power: -50
  • 20mm Rotary AA Autocannon (x2)
    • Range: 13 · Area of Effect: 0.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Aircraft
Dominion Autocannon Tower

Additional Information:

  • Can gain experience.
  • Cannot be captured by engineers.

Dominion Blast Trap

Purpose: Anti-Unit Trap Base Defense
Dominion Blast Trap
  • Cost: $600
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Communications Post
  • Hitpoints: 50
  • Armor Type: Trap
  • Power: 0
  • Thermobaric Blast
    • Area of Effect: 2

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry, Light Vehicles
Dominion Blast Trap

Additional Information:

  • Cloaked.
  • When placed, 4 mines get placed on nearby empty cells.
  • Cannot be captured by engineers.

Dominion Shock Pylon

Purpose: Anti-Armor Base Defense
Dominion Shock Pylon
  • Cost: $1500
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Communications Post
  • Hitpoints: 1250
  • Armor Type: Advanced Defense
  • Power: -75
  • Electric Bolt
    • Range: 7.5 · Area of Effect: 0.75

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Vehicles
Dominion Shock Pylon

Additional Information:

  • Pylons can support each other for +20% more firepower per each supporting pylon. This works between allies.
  • Can gain experience.
  • Cannot be captured by engineers.

Dominion Dominus Array

Purpose: Mind Control Defense
Dominion Dominus Array
  • Cost: $2500
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Battle Lab
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Armor Type: Advanced Defense
  • Power: -150
  • Enhanced Dominus Control Wave
    • Range: 15

Description Not Available

  • Not Affected By: Firepower Alterations
Dominion Dominus Array

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 2
  • Can control unlimited amount of enemy units but the units only stay under control within 25-cell radius from the controlling array.
  • Can have its rate of fire improved by up to 4 Overlords focusing on it.
  • Can gain experience via controlled units.
  • Cannot be captured by engineers.

Dominion Outpost

Purpose: Base Expansion & Defense
Dominion Outpost
  • Cost: N/A ($2000)
  • Prerequisite: Deploy From Fortifier
  • Hitpoints: 3500
  • Armor Type: Basic Defense
  • Power: 0


List of available upgrades (all of them cost $500 each and consume 25 units of power):

Outpost Mortar Turret Outpost AA Missile Turret Outpost Mind Control
  • Outpost Mortar Turret: Upgrades the outpost with a mortar weapon. Weapon Range: 15, Minimum Range: 4, Area of Effect: 1.5
  • Outpost AA Missile Turret: Upgrades the outpost with anti-aircraft missile weapon. Weapon Range: 13, Area of Effect: 0.5
  • Outpost Mind Control: Upgrades the outpost with a Dominus control device. Can mind control a single susceptible enemy unit. Weapon Range: 7
  • Strong Against: Infantry (Mortar), Vehicles (Mortar), Aircraft (Missile)
  • Not Affected By: Firepower Alterations
Dominion Outpost

Additional Information:

  • Can be upgraded with a single weapon turret out of choice of three.
  • Can gain experience once upgraded with a turret (through controlled units in case of mind control).
  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Cannot be captured by engineers.

Dominion Remote Mining Station

Purpose: Resource Collection
Dominion Remote Mining Station
  • Cost: N/A ($2500)
  • Prerequisite: Delivered /w Remote Mining Station
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Armor Type: Light Structure
  • Power: 0

Description Not Available

Dominion Remote Mining Station

Additional Information:

  • Miner Drone: Hitpoints: 50, Armor: Drone, Speed: 6
  • Miner drones can carry 1 unit of resources per drone.
  • Cannot be captured by engineers.

Dominion Magnetizer

Purpose: Anti-Aircraft Disruption
Dominion Magnetizer
  • Cost: N/A ($1500)
  • Prerequisite: Created /w Magnetizer
  • Hitpoints: 1250
  • Armor Type: Advanced Defense
  • Power: -100
  • Magnetizer Beam
    • Range: 15

Description Not Available

  • Not Affected By: Firepower Alterations
Dominion Magnetizer

Additional Information:

  • Reduces aircraft movement speed by 30% in 25-cell radius around itself.
  • Weapon prevents aircraft movement and firing of weapons for as long as it is firing. Against experimental air units, it will only halve their movement speed.
  • Cannot be captured by engineers.

Dominion Quakemaker

Purpose: Superweapon Provision
Dominion Quakemaker
  • Cost: $5000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Battle Lab
  • Hitpoints: 2500
  • Armor Type: Heavy Structure
  • Power: -600

Description Not Available

Dominion Quakemaker

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 1
  • Can be infiltrated to reset superweapon recharge time.
  • Drains $200 every 10 in-game seconds.
  • Other structures can be built off this one.
  • Can release survivors upon destruction.
  • Cannot be captured by engineers.

Superweapon: Seismic Shockwave

Seismic Shockwave
  • Recharge Time: 20:00
  • Affects Players: All
  • Area of Effect: 20-Cell Radius
  • Cost: $5000
  • Powered: Yes

A focused seismic shockwave thoroughly annihilates a large area around the specified target location, leaving most enemy forces destroyed and the rest heavily damaged.

Experimental Tech: Typhoon

Purpose: Experimental Unit Unlock
Experimental Tech: Typhoon
  • Cost: $5000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Battle Lab, Industrial Plant

Only one Dominion Experimental Tech can be unlocked unless Experimental Tech setting is set to 'Unrestricted'

Unlocks Typhoon Blast System and Boomboost support power. Spawns one upon placement, further ones can be constructed from factory with appropriate prerequisites.

Support Power: Boomboost

  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Affects Players: Owner
  • Additional Prerequisites: Typhoon Blast System
  • Powered: No

For duration of 1 in-game minute, owner's Typhoon Blast System gains an effect that doubles its movement speed and disables its weapon, and within 4.5 cell radius boosts movement speed of friendly vehicles by 30% and disables weapons of enemy infantry.

Experimental Tech: Ironblight

Purpose: Experimental Unit Unlock
Experimental Tech: Ironblight
  • Cost: $5000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Battle Lab, Industrial Plant

Only one Dominion Experimental Tech can be unlocked unless Experimental Tech setting is set to 'Unrestricted'

Unlocks Ironblight Howitzer and Blightbearer support power. Spawns one upon placement, further ones can be constructed from factory with appropriate prerequisites.

Support Power: Blightbearer

  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Affects Players: Owner
  • Additional Prerequisites: Ironblight Howitzer
  • Powered: No

For duration of 1 in-game minute, owner's Ironblight Howitzer will apply Iron Skin invulnerability effect on friendly vehicles in 3-cell radius and damages enemy infantry. This effect will be rendered inactive while Ironblight is in Tunneling Mode and traveling underground.

Experimental Tech: Supernova

Purpose: Experimental Unit Unlock
Experimental Tech: Supernova
  • Cost: $5000
  • Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Battle Lab, Industrial Plant

Only one Dominion Experimental Tech can be unlocked unless Experimental Tech setting is set to 'Unrestricted'

Unlocks Supernova Battlewalker and Orbit Crown support power. Spawns one upon placement, further ones can be constructed from factory with appropriate prerequisites.

Support Power: Orbit Crown

Orbit Crown
  • Recharge Time: 6:00
  • Affects Players: Owner
  • Additional Prerequisites: Supernova Battlewalker
  • Powered: No

For duration of 1 in-game minute, owner's Supernova Battlewalker will gain 2-cell boost to its anti-aircraft weapon firing range and will be able to intercept and destroy traveling projectiles fired off by enemy aircraft and air vehicles.