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Dominion Units

  • Tunnel Miner
  • Oppressor Heavy Tank
  • Tyrant Flak Tank
  • Brimstone MLRS
  • Oblivion Drone
  • Raider Subterranean Transport
  • Fortifier Mobile Outpost
  • Overlord Control Unit
  • Visionary Siege Tank
  • Dominion Mobile Construction Vehicle
  • Catastrophe Atomic Tank
  • Triglav Sky Fortress
  • Wildfire Fighter-Bomber
  • Tremor Heavy Bomber
  • Havoc Assault Destroyer
  • Turmoil Missile Frigate
  • Maelstrom Assault Transport
  • Calamity Attack Submarine
  • Pandemonium Battleship
  • Typhoon Blast System
  • Ironblight Howitzer
  • Supernova Battlewalker

Tunnel Miner

Purpose: Resource Collection
Tunnel Miner
  • Cost: $1500
  • Prerequisite: War Factory
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Armor Type: Heavy Vehicle
  • Speed: 5

Description Not Available

  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
  • Resistant To: Radiation, Toxic Clouds
Tunnel Miner

Additional Information:

  • Moves underground to more distant destinations. Movement can be heard by all players.
  • Can carry 15 units worth of resources
  • Cannot move into shroud.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Oppressor Heavy Tank

Purpose: Anti-Armor
Oppressor Heavy Tank
  • Cost: $800
  • Prerequisite: War Factory
  • Hitpoints: 600
  • Armor Type: Medium Vehicle
  • Speed: 6
  • 120mm Cannon (x2)
    • Range: 6.5 · Area of Effect: 0.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Vehicles, Base Defenses
Oppressor Heavy Tank

Additional Information:

  • Upon destruction boosts firepower of nearby Oppressor Tanks by 5% for 15 in-game seconds - multiple boosts stack.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Tyrant Flak Tank

Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Anti-Aircraft
Tyrant Flak Tank
  • Cost: $700
  • Prerequisite: War Factory
  • Hitpoints: 500
  • Armor Type: Light Vehicle
  • Speed: 6
  • Flak Cannon (x4)
    • Range: 6 · Area of Effect: 0.5
  • Anti-Aircraft Flak Cannon (x4)
    • Range: 10 · Area of Effect: 0.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry, Aircraft
Tyrant Flak Tank

Additional Information:

  • Detects cloaked & submerged units within 7 cells.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Brimstone MLRS

Purpose: Anti-Infantry & Anti-Structure Siege, Garrison Clearing
Brimstone MLRS
  • Cost: $1400
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Communications Post
  • Hitpoints: 600
  • Armor Type: Medium Vehicle
  • Speed: 5
  • Thermobaric Rockets (x8)
    • Range: 13 (Minimum: 3)

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry, Light & Medium Vehicles
Brimstone MLRS

Additional Information:

  • Rockets hit & damage infantry garrisoned inside targeted structures.
  • Explodes violently upon destruction, damaging nearby things.
  • Cannot fire while on move.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Oblivion Drone

Purpose: Unit Disruption, Building Sabotage
Oblivion Drone
  • Cost: $1300
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Communications Post
  • Hitpoints: 700
  • Armor Type: Medium Aircraft
  • Speed: 20 (Flying)
  • Disruption Beam
    • Range: 7
  • Siphon Wave
    • Range: 0

Description Not Available

  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk
Oblivion Drone

Additional Information:

  • Disruption beam causes enemy units to go into berserk state and attack friendlies.
  • Disruption beam decreases aircraft armor by 10% - this stacks with multiple Oblivions.
  • Siphon wave can disable a single power plant or a powered base defense.
  • Siphon wave can steal credits from ore refineries.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Raider Subterranean Transport

Purpose: Infantry Transport
Raider Subterranean Transport
  • Cost: $1500
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Communications Post
  • Hitpoints: 600
  • Armor Type: Heavy Vehicle
  • Speed: 5
  • Drill
    • Range: 1.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry
  • Not Affected By: Hijacking
Raider Subterranean Transport

Additional Information:

  • Moves underground to more distant destinations. Movement can be heard by all players.
  • Cannot move into shroud.
  • Infantry transport. Has 4 slots, size limit of 2. Survivability rate of 66%.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Fortifier Mobile Outpost

Purpose: Base Expansion
Fortifier Mobile Outpost
  • Cost: $2000
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Communications Post
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Armor Type: Heavy Vehicle
  • Speed: 5

Description Not Available

  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
Fortifier Mobile Outpost

Additional Information:

  • Deploys into Outpost.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Overlord Control Unit

Purpose: Multiple Unit Mind Control
Overlord Control Unit
  • Cost: $1800
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Battle Lab
  • Hitpoints: 500
  • Armor Type: Light Vehicle
  • Speed: 4
  • Dominus Control Wave
    • Range: 7
  • Dominus Focus
    • Range: 3

Description Not Available

  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, Driver-Killing
Overlord Control Unit

Additional Information:

  • Can mind control multiple susceptible units, but after 3 it will start taking increasing amounts of damage.
  • All controlled units will be released if Overlord is disabled.
  • Can gain experience through mind controlled units.
  • Can target and focus on friendly Dominus Array to boost its rate of fire, stacks up to 4 Overlords.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Visionary Siege Tank

Purpose: Anti-Armor, All-Purpose Siege
Visionary Siege Tank
  • Cost: $2000
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Battle Lab
  • Hitpoints: 500
  • Armor Type: Heavy Vehicle
  • Speed: 3
  • 160mm Cannon /w Contaminated Shells
    • Range: 7.5 (Minimum: 1) · Area of Effect: 1
  • 160mm Cannon /w Nuclear Shells
    • Range: 16 (Minimum: 6) · Area of Effect: 5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Vehicles (Cannon), All Ground Targets (Artillery)
  • Not Affected By: Radiation, Crushing, Driver-Killing
  • Resistant To: Toxic Clouds
Visionary Siege Tank

Additional Information:

  • Contaminated shells from the tank cannon have a 10% chance of killing driver of an unprotected vehicle.
  • Must be deployed to fire the artillery gun.
  • If deployed, will not auto-acquire targets unless put on area guard mode.
  • Artillery weapon deals extra damage to targets directly at center of impact and spreads radiation.
  • Fallout Engine grants firepower boost and deal radiation damage around itself.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Dominion Mobile Construction Vehicle

Purpose: Base Construction
Dominion Mobile Construction Vehicle
  • Cost: $4000
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Battle Lab
  • Hitpoints: 3000
  • Armor Type: Heavy Vehicle
  • Speed: 5

Description Not Available

  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, EMP, Warp Weapons, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
  • Resistant To: Radiation, Toxic Clouds
Dominion Mobile Construction Vehicle

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 1 (With Limited MCV's toggled on - shared with Construction Yard)
  • Deploys into Dominion Construction Yard.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Catastrophe Atomic Tank

Purpose: Anti-Unit, Anti-Structure
Catastrophe Atomic Tank
  • Cost: $2500
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Industrial Plant
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Armor Type: Heavy Vehicle
  • Speed: 3
  • Atomic Cannon (x2)
    • Range: 5.5 · Area of Effect: 1.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: All Ground Targets
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Radiation, Crushing, Driver-Killing
  • Resistant To: EMP, Toxic Clouds
Catastrophe Atomic Tank

Additional Information:

  • Explodes catastrophically upon destruction, heavily damaging nearby things & releasing radiation.
  • Fallout Engine grants firepower boost and deal radiation damage around itself.
  • Only suffers from the effects of EMP weapons for half the usual duration.
  • Can crush most vehicles and infantry and walls.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Triglav Sky Fortress

Purpose: Anti-Unit, Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Structure
Triglav Sky Fortress
  • Cost: $3000
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Battle Lab, Industrial Plant
  • Hitpoints: 1800
  • Armor Type: Heavy Aircraft
  • Speed: 12 (Flying)
  • Combustion Cannon
    • Range: 9 (Minimum: 3) · Area of Effect: 1.5
  • Seismic Bomb
    • Area of Effect: 4

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry, Aircraft, Vehicles, Structures (Deploy Only)
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk
Triglav Sky Fortress

Additional Information:

  • Deploy to release a seismic bomb, unleashing a destructive shockwave below. Takes ~17 in-game seconds to recharge.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Wildfire Fighter-Bomber

Purpose: Anti-Unit, Garrison Clearing
Wildfire Fighter-Bomber
  • Cost: $1200
  • Prerequisite: Airbase
  • Hitpoints: 500
  • Armor Type: Medium Aircraft
  • Speed: 22 (Jet)
  • Thermobaric Missile (x2)
    • Range: 8 · Area of Effect: 1.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry, Base Defenses, Vehicles
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk
Wildfire Fighter-Bomber

Additional Information:

  • Missiles hit & damage infantry garrisoned inside targeted structures.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Tremor Heavy Bomber

Purpose: Anti-Structure & Anti-Armor Bombardment
Tremor Heavy Bomber
  • Cost: $2400
  • Prerequisite: Airbase, Battle Lab
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Armor Type: Medium Aircraft
  • Speed: 18 (Jet)
  • Seismic Bomb (x2)
    • Range: 7 · Area of Effect: 3.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Structures, Base Defenses, Vehicles
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk
Tremor Heavy Bomber

Additional Information:

  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Havoc Assault Destroyer

Purpose: Anti-Ship, Anti-Armor
Havoc Assault Destroyer
  • Cost: $1100
  • Prerequisite: Shipyard
  • Hitpoints: 1200
  • Armor Type: Light Ship
  • Speed: 5 (land), 6 (water)
  • 130mm Assault Cannon
    • Range: 6.5 · Area of Effect: 0.5
  • Torpedo (x2)
    • Range: 6.5 · Area of Effect: 1

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Ships, Vehicles
  • Not Affected By: Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
Havoc Assault Destroyer

Additional Information:

  • Amphibious.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Detects cloaked & submerged units within 4 cells.
  • Infantry transport. Has 2 slots, size limit of 2. Survivability rate of 66% / 83% / 100% (rookie / veteran / elite).
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Turmoil Missile Frigate

Purpose: Anti-Aircraft + Debuff
Turmoil Missile Frigate
  • Cost: $1400
  • Prerequisite: Shipyard, Communications Post
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Armor Type: Medium Ship
  • Speed: 4
  • 'Mayhem' SAM
    • Range: 12 · Area of Effect: 1
  • Decoy Flare
    • Range: 12 · Area of Effect: 2

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Aircraft
  • Not Affected By: Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
Turmoil Missile Frigate

Additional Information:

  • Decoy flare reduces aircraft firepower by 20% for 10 in-game seconds. Takes 20 in-game seconds to recharge.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Maelstrom Assault Transport

Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Anti-Structure, Infantry & Vehicle Transport
Maelstrom Assault Transport
  • Cost: $1600
  • Prerequisite: Shipyard, Battle Lab
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Armor Type: Heavy Ship
  • Speed: 3 (land), 4 (water)
  • Incendiary Cannon (x2)
    • Range: 7 · Area of Effect: 1
  • 20mm Rotary Autocannon (x2)
    • Range: 7 · Area of Effect: 0.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry, Base Defenses
  • Not Affected By: Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
Maelstrom Assault Transport

Additional Information:

  • Amphibious.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Unit transport. Has 12 slots, size limit of 12. Survivability rate of 66% / 83% / 100% (rookie / veteran / elite).
  • Can crush most vehicles and infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Calamity Attack Submarine

Purpose: Anti-Ship
Calamity Attack Submarine
  • Cost: $2000
  • Prerequisite: Shipyard, Battle Lab
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Armor Type: Heavy Ship
  • Speed: 4
  • Shock Torpedo
    • Range: 13 · Area of Effect: 1.25

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Ships
  • Not Affected By: Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
Calamity Attack Submarine

Additional Information:

  • Multiple small electric bolts split from the impact that can damage further targets.
  • Weapon has 20% chance to disable ships for 5 in-game seconds.
  • Cloaked.
  • Invisible to radar.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Detects cloaked & submerged units within 8 cells.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Pandemonium Battleship

Purpose: All-Purpose Siege
Pandemonium Battleship
  • Cost: $2500
  • Prerequisite: Shipyard, Industrial Plant
  • Hitpoints: 1250
  • Armor Type: Heavy Ship
  • Speed: 3
  • 180mm Cannons /w Nuclear Shells
    • Range: 24 (Minimum: 18) · Area of Effect: 5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: All Ground Targets
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Radiation, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
  • Resistant To: EMP, Toxic Clouds
Pandemonium Battleship

Additional Information:

  • Fallout Engine grants firepower boost and deal radiation damage around itself.
  • Weapon deals extra damage to targets directly at center of impact and spreads radiation.
  • Will not auto-acquire targets unless put on area guard mode.
  • Cannot fire while on move.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Only suffers from the effects of EMP weapons for half the usual duration.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Typhoon Blast System

Purpose: Area Annihilation
Typhoon Blast System
  • Cost: $5000
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Battle Lab, Industrial Plant
  • Hitpoints: 4000
  • Armor Type: Experimental Vehicle
  • Speed: 2
  • 'Typhoon' Blast System
    • Area of Effect: 12

Experimental Unit: Requires Experimental Tech: Typhoon to be unlocked in addition to normal prerequisites.

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: All Ground Targets
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, EMP, Active Flashbolt Defense, Warp Weapons, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking, Firepower Alterations
  • Resistant To: Radiation, Toxic Clouds
Typhoon Blast System

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 1
  • Is unable to fire its weapon for first 13 in-game seconds after being built.
  • Weapon needs to charge up before firing - Typhoon must stay stationary and uninterrupted to do so.
  • Firing the weapon reduces remaining time of Iron Skin shield on Typhoon.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Can crush most vehicles and infantry and walls.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Ironblight Howitzer

Purpose: Anti-Unit Siege, Vehicle Shielding
Ironblight Howitzer
  • Cost: $5000
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Battle Lab, Industrial Plant
  • Hitpoints: 3000
  • Armor Type: Experimental Vehicle
  • Speed: 4
  • 'Iron Sludge' Cannon (x2)
    • Range: 16 (Minimum: 5)
  • 'Iron Sludge' Cannon (x2) (Tunneling Mode)
    • Range: 8 (Minimum: 2)

Experimental Unit: Requires Experimental Tech: Ironblight to be unlocked in addition to normal prerequisites.

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry, Vehicles
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, EMP, Active Flashbolt Defense, Warp Weapons, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
  • Resistant To: Radiation, Toxic Clouds
Ironblight Howitzer

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 1
  • Can deploy into alternate mode that can move underground (movement can be heard by everyone & cannot move into shroud) at cost of halving its weapon range.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Supernova Battlewalker

Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Aircraft
Supernova Battlewalker
  • Cost: $5000
  • Prerequisite: War Factory, Battle Lab, Industrial Plant
  • Hitpoints: 2750
  • Armor Type: Experimental Vehicle
  • Speed: 7
  • Energizer Blaster (x2)
    • Range: 8.5 (Minimum: 2) · Area of Effect: 1.75
  • AA Energizer Blaster (x2)
    • Range: 12 · Area of Effect: 2.25

Experimental Unit: Requires Experimental Tech: Supernova to be unlocked in addition to normal prerequisites.

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Aircraft, Vehicles
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, Radiation, EMP, Active Flashbolt Defense, Warp Weapons, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
  • Resistant To: Toxic Clouds
Supernova Battlewalker

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 1
  • Weapon has 20% chance to disable EMP-susceptible units for 6 in-game seconds and 10% chance to instantly kill aircraft at or below 50% of their maximum health.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Detects cloaked & submerged units within 6 cells.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.