Project Phantom Logo

Phantom Units

  • Warp Miner
  • Keres Combat APC
  • Talos Sentry Bot
  • Zephyr Attack Craft
  • Phobos Shadowstriker
  • Deimos Wavecaster
  • Artemis Energy Cannon
  • Charon Warp Relay
  • Hyperion Assault Craft
  • Phantom Mobile Construction Vehicle
  • Cadmus Exocollider
  • Erebos Riftcarver
  • Nemesis Plasma Bomber
  • Hecate Warpjet
  • Styx Attack Submarine
  • Cerberus Shadow Warship
  • Tartarus Warpcruiser
  • Hydra Nanoprojector
  • Hades Siege Submarine
  • Helios Fusion Cannon
  • Eris Shadow Tank
  • Aether Warpship

Warp Miner

Purpose: Resource Collection
Warp Miner
  • Cost: $1500
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform
  • Hitpoints: 640
  • Armor Type: Heavy Vehicle
  • Speed: 6

Description Not Available

  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
  • Resistant To: Radiation, Toxic Clouds
Warp Miner

Additional Information:

  • Can teleport back to Ore Refinery instantly.
  • Can carry 10 units worth of resources
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Keres Combat APC

Purpose: Anti-Infantry, Infantry Transport
Keres Combat APC
  • Cost: $1000
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform
  • Hitpoints: 400
  • Armor Type: Light Vehicle
  • Speed: 15 (Hover)
  • Particle Beam Gun (x2)
    • Range: 8

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry
Keres Combat APC

Additional Information:

  • Amphibious.
  • Infantry transport. Has 2 slots, size limit of 2. Survivability rate of 66% / 83% / 100% (rookie / veteran / elite).
  • Detects cloaked & submerged units within 7 cells.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Talos Sentry Bot

Purpose: Anti-Infantry
Talos Sentry Bot
  • Cost: N/A ($750)
  • Prerequisite: Created by Celeste
  • Hitpoints: 400
  • Armor Type: Light Vehicle
  • Speed: 7
  • Exolis Assault Gun (x2)
    • Range: 6.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, Radiation, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
Talos Sentry Bot

Additional Information:

  • Detects cloaked & submerged units within 7 cells.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Zephyr Attack Craft

Purpose: Anti-Armor, Anti-Aircraft
Zephyr Attack Craft
  • Cost: $1200
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform
  • Hitpoints: 500
  • Armor Type: Light Aircraft
  • Speed: 32 (Flying)
  • Energizer Lance (x2)
    • Range: 7 · Area of Effect: 0.25
  • Anti-Aircraft Energizer Lance (x2)
    • Range: 9 · Area of Effect: 0.25

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Medium & Heavy Vehicles, Aircraft
Zephyr Attack Craft

Additional Information:

  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Phobos Shadowstriker

Purpose: Anti-Armor
Phobos Shadowstriker
  • Cost: $1400
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform, Link Beacon
  • Hitpoints: 350
  • Armor Type: Medium Vehicle
  • Speed: 12 (Hover)
  • Exolis Cannon
    • Range: 6.5 · Area of Effect: 0.5

Phantom's arsenal was designed with the understanding that they would often be outnumbered in combat. To counter this disadvantage, they focused on mobility and subversive tactics. Phobos was the first vehicle to use a revolutionary hover engine, enabling it to navigate various terrains with ease.

While the hover engine has been widely adopted, Phobos' design remains mostly unchanged, with some notable upgrades. It now features an Exolis energy cannon as a weapon, effective against armored vehicles and capable of penetrating armor for extra damage. Additionally, Phobos is equipped with a personal force field that can absorb most attacks, though it will deplete with enough damage. Damaged and depleted force fields will replenish over time.

In line with Phantom's preference for subterfuge, Phobos uses the Shadow Conduit cloaking system. Instead of personal cloaking fields, this system relies on nodes that provide cloaking over long distances. However, if the Shadow Conduits lose power, the cloaking will disappear until power is restored.

  • Strong Against: Vehicles, Base Defenses
Phobos Shadowstriker

Additional Information:

  • Has a personal force field. Immunity to environmental damage, absorbs damage up to total of 100 hitpoints /w minimum of 2 hits until it is depleted. Regenerates at 4% per 0.6 in-game seconds, has a delay of 5 in-game seconds after being hit during which regeneration is paused. Replenishes at 20% of the full health after 1 in-game minute after being fully depleted.
  • Weapon has critical hit chance. 10% chance to deal additional damage equivalent to 25% of target's current health.
  • Gets cloaked by owner's active Shadow Conduits.
  • Amphibious.
  • Invisible to radar.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Deimos Wavecaster

Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
Deimos Wavecaster
  • Cost: $1500
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform, Link Beacon
  • Hitpoints: 300
  • Armor Type: Light Vehicle
  • Speed: 12 (Hover)
  • Pulse Wave
    • Range: 13 · Area of Effect: 1

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Aircraft
Deimos Wavecaster

Additional Information:

  • Amphibious.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Artemis Energy Cannon

Purpose: Anti-Armor Siege
Artemis Energy Cannon
  • Cost: $1700
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform, Link Beacon
  • Hitpoints: 350
  • Armor Type: Medium Vehicle
  • Speed: 9 (Hover)
  • Energizer Cannon
    • Range: 14 (Minimum: 7) · Area of Effect: 1.5
  • Energizer Cannon (deployed)
    • Range: 16 (Minimum: 8) · Area of Effect: 2.0

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Vehicles
Artemis Energy Cannon

Additional Information:

  • Can deploy into stationary alternate mode with longer weapon range, increased area of effect and slower projectiles and personal force field.
  • Deployed mode as a personal force field. Immunity to environmental damage, absorbs damage up to total of 100 hitpoints /w minimum of 2 hits until it is depleted. Regenerates at 4% per 0.6 in-game seconds, has a delay of 5 in-game seconds after being hit during which regeneration is paused. Replenishes at 20% of the full health after 1 in-game minute after being fully depleted.
  • Amphibious.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Charon Warp Relay

Purpose: Mobile Infantry Production, Area Unit Protection
Charon Warp Relay
  • Cost: $2500
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform, Research Complex
  • Hitpoints: 600
  • Armor Type: Heavy Vehicle
  • Speed: 5 (Teleport)
  • Area Force Field
    • Area of Effect: 4.5

Description Not Available

  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking, Firepower Alterations
Charon Warp Relay

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 2
  • Substitutes as Teleporter when deployed for prerequisites and infantry training except for engineer and spies.
  • Force field increases armor of ground units in 4.5-cell radius by 50% and allows personal force fields to regenerate in combat.
  • Moves by teleporting. Has to phase-in after each teleport, duration depends on distance traveled.
  • Cannot move into shroud.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Hyperion Assault Craft

Purpose: Anti-Structure
Hyperion Assault Craft
  • Cost: $2200
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform, Research Complex
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Armor Type: Heavy Aircraft
  • Speed: 20 (Flying)
  • Plasma Cutter (x2)
    • Range: 7
  • Particle Bomb (x4)
    • Range: 7 · Area of Effect: 1

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Structures, Base Defenses, Standard Infantry, Medium Vehicles
Hyperion Assault Craft

Additional Information:

  • Has a personal force field. Immunity to environmental damage, absorbs damage up to total of 200 hitpoints /w minimum of 3 hits until it is depleted. Regenerates at 4% per 0.6 in-game seconds, has a delay of 5 in-game seconds after being hit during which regeneration is paused. Replenishes at 20% of the full health after 1 in-game minute after being fully depleted.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Phantom Mobile Construction Vehicle

Purpose: Base Construction
Phantom Mobile Construction Vehicle
  • Cost: $4000
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform, Research Complex
  • Hitpoints: 3000
  • Armor Type: Heavy Vehicle
  • Speed: 5

Description Not Available

  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, EMP, Warp Weapons, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
  • Resistant To: Radiation, Toxic Clouds
Phantom Mobile Construction Vehicle

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 1 (With Limited MCV's toggled on - shared with Construction Yard)
  • Deploys into Phantom Construction Yard.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Cadmus Exocollider

Purpose: Siege
Cadmus Exocollider
  • Cost: $3000
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform, Infinity Core
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Armor Type: Heavy Vehicle
  • Speed: 8 (Hover)
  • Exolis Collider Beam
    • Range: 15 (Minimum: 5) · Area of Effect: 0.5 (Minimum), 2 (Maximum)
  • Exolis Collider Beam (Burst Mode)
    • Range: 13 (Minimum: 4) · Area of Effect: 1.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Structures, Infantry
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, Crushing, Driver-Killing
Cadmus Exocollider

Additional Information:

  • Exocollider charges up as Cadmus keeps firing, increasing its power. Idling will gradually reduce its charge.
  • Can deploy into alternate mode where weapon requires no charging but has less maximum firepower potential, shorter firing range and cannot fire on move.
  • Amphibious.
  • Only suffers from the effects of EMP weapons for half the usual duration.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Erebos Riftcarver

Purpose: Anti-Unit + Debuff, Anti-Aircraft
Erebos Riftcarver
  • Cost: $3500
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform, Research Complex, Infinity Core
  • Hitpoints: 750
  • Armor Type: Heavy Aircraft
  • Speed: 14 (Flying)
  • Rift Generator
    • Range: 14 · Area of Effect: 2.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Infantry, Medium & Heavy Vehicles
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk
Erebos Riftcarver

Additional Information:

  • Weapon decreases movement speed of affected units by 50%.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Nemesis Plasma Bomber

Purpose: Anti-Infantry & Anti-Structure Bombardment
Nemesis Plasma Bomber
  • Cost: $1700
  • Prerequisite: Landing Pad
  • Hitpoints: 450
  • Armor Type: Medium Aircraft
  • Speed: 2 (Jet)
  • Plasma Cannon (x2)
    • Range: 6 · Area of Effect: 2

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Structures, Base Defenses
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk
Nemesis Plasma Bomber

Additional Information:

  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Hecate Warpjet

Purpose: Instant Unit Erasing
Hecate Warpjet
  • Cost: $2200
  • Prerequisite: Landing Pad, Research Complex
  • Hitpoints: 500
  • Armor Type: Medium Aircraft
  • Speed: 22 (Jet)
  • Warp Beam
    • Range: 7

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Ground Units (if not immune to warp weapons)
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk
Hecate Warpjet

Additional Information:

  • Warp beam erases units after a duration that is based on their current and maximum HP.
  • Not affected by firepower (de)buffs.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Styx Attack Submarine

Purpose: Anti-Ship
Styx Attack Submarine
  • Cost: $1300
  • Prerequisite: Shipyard
  • Hitpoints: 800
  • Armor Type: Light Ship
  • Speed: 9
  • Nanite Surge Beam
    • Range: 6.5 · Area of Effect: 0.5

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Ships
  • Not Affected By: Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
Styx Attack Submarine

Additional Information:

  • Heals / repairs itself, any nearby units and Nanosurge Cannons when firing at vehicles.
  • Weapon can kill / destroy targets that explode upon death / destruction without triggering the explosion.
  • Cloaked.
  • Invisible to radar.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Detects cloaked & submerged units within 4 cells.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Cerberus Shadow Warship

Purpose: Anti-Structure Siege, Anti-Aircraft
Cerberus Shadow Warship
  • Cost: $1750
  • Prerequisite: Shipyard, Link Beacon
  • Hitpoints: 600
  • Armor Type: Medium Ship
  • Speed: 7
  • Particle Bomb (x3)
    • Range: 13 (Minimum: 4)

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Aircraft, Structures, Base Defenses
  • Not Affected By: Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
Cerberus Shadow Warship

Additional Information:

  • Gets cloaked by owner's active Shadow Conduits.
  • Invisible to radar.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Tartarus Warpcruiser

Purpose: Unit & Structure Erasing
Tartarus Warpcruiser
  • Cost: $2500
  • Prerequisite: Shipyard, Research Complex
  • Hitpoints: 1000
  • Armor Type: Heavy Ship
  • Speed: 7
  • Warp Beam
    • Range: 9
  • Warp Beam (Sniper Mode)
    • Range: 14

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Ground / Naval Units & Structures (if not immune to warp weapons)
  • Not Affected By: Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking, Firepower Alterations
Tartarus Warpcruiser

Additional Information:

  • Warp beam erases targets after a duration that is based on their current and maximum HP.
  • Can deploy into alternate mode where weapon erases targets nearly instantly and has longer range in exchange for much longer cooldown and inability to target structures.
  • Cannot fire while on move.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Hydra Nanoprojector

Purpose: Decoy & Support Unit Creation
Hydra Nanoprojector
  • Cost: $2750
  • Prerequisite: Shipyard, Research Complex
  • Hitpoints: 650
  • Armor Type: Heavy Ship
  • Speed: 8 (Hover)
  • Nanoprojector
    • Range: 6

Description Not Available

  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking, Firepower Alterations
Hydra Nanoprojector

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 2
  • Nanoprojector can target friendly Phantom ships to create decoys of them. The decoys look identical to enemy but have 1/100 of the armor strength and can deal no damage or apply any special effects.
  • Can deploy to create an uncontrollable repair drone that repairs nearby vehicles and increases their armor by 20% that vanishes after 1 in-game minute.
  • Both the nanoprojector and repair drone creation require and use up charge (1 at a time) that regenerates at 1 charge every 20 in-game seconds up to maximum of 3.
  • Amphibious
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Hades Siege Submarine

Purpose: All-Purpose Siege
Hades Siege Submarine
  • Cost: $2750
  • Prerequisite: Shipyard, Infinity Core
  • Hitpoints: 800
  • Armor Type: Heavy Ship
  • Speed: 5
  • Exolis Pulverizer Bomb
    • Range: 28 (Minimum: 21) · Area of Effect: 3

Description Not Available

  • Strong Against: Structures
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking, Firepower Alterations
  • Resistant To: EMP
Hades Siege Submarine

Additional Information:

  • Exolis bomb disables weapons of anti-aircraft defences within 10-cell radius for 5 in-game seconds if shot down.
  • Cloaked.
  • Invisible to radar.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Detects cloaked & submerged units within 4 cells.
  • Only suffers from the effects of EMP weapons for half the usual duration.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Helios Fusion Cannon

Purpose: All-Purpose Siege
Helios Fusion Cannon
  • Cost: $6000
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform, Research Complex, Infinity Core
  • Hitpoints: 1500
  • Armor Type: Experimental Vehicle
  • Speed: 6 (Hover)
  • Fusion Cannon
    • Range: 14 (Minimum: 6) · Area of Effect: 2.5 (line damage)

Experimental Unit: Requires Experimental Tech: Helios to be unlocked in addition to normal prerequisites.

There is 'flying too close to the sun', and then there's what the people designing Helios were doing. Effectively grabbing the power of the sun into their hands and putting it on a weapon system mounted on a large hovercraft chassis, Phantom weapon designers created the ultimate weapon. Armed with an extremely powerful fusion cannon, Helios requires a significant amount of time to charge up the weapon after locking in a target and before firing, but once it does it will unleash a wave of plasma that will annihilate everything on its path.

Despite that, it is not truly perfect. While the hovercraft is bulky and not too horrendously slow-moving, the weight of the fusion cannon necessiated sacrificing armoring to sustain mobility. As a result it can't withstand concentrated enemy fire for too long, and should be protected at all costs. If it does get destroyed, it will spell doom to anyone nearby as the fusion reactor on board will not shut down safely and cannot be contained once its integrity fails and will cause a cataclysmic explosion.

  • Strong Against: All Ground Targets
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, EMP, Active Flashbolt Defense, Warp Weapons, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
  • Resistant To: Radiation, Toxic Clouds
Helios Fusion Cannon

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 1
  • Explodes catastrophically upon destruction, heavily damaging nearby things
  • Deals wide line damage to enemies only, passing through the intended target if necessary.
  • Weapon needs time to charge & lock-on before firing.
  • Weapon penetrates and breaks shields & force fields.
  • Amphibious.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Eris Shadow Tank

Purpose: Anti-Armor + Disruption
Eris Shadow Tank
  • Cost: $6000
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform, Research Complex, Infinity Core
  • Hitpoints: 2000
  • Armor Type: Experimental Vehicle
  • Speed: 4
  • Disruptor Beam
    • Range: 9 · Area of Effect: 0.75

Experimental Unit: Requires Experimental Tech: Eris to be unlocked in addition to normal prerequisites.

The culmination of Phantom stealth doctrine, Eris is an experimental vehicle created by combining the superheavy assault tank concept with Phantom's stealth and energy weapon technology. This resulted in a tank that is not too heavy to sustain some mobility, yet is capable of withstanding surprising amount of enemy fire. Its onboard cloaking system has been fully integrated with its chassis armor and weapon systems, meaning that it will not reveal itself on movement nor upon firing its weapon.

Speaking of the said weapon, it is perhaps the most curious part of the entire design. Through some unholy aberration of science, it appears to combine Phantom's rift cannon or warp beam technology with Dominion's disruptor surge weaponry to create a beam weapon that absolutely tears through enemy armor, while incuring a madness-inducing affliction for short period of time on any survivors. In addition the beams scatter into a smaller bolts of the same energy upon impact.

  • Strong Against: Vehicles
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, EMP, Active Flashbolt Defense, Warp Weapons, Crushing, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
  • Resistant To: Radiation, Toxic Clouds
Eris Shadow Tank

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 1
  • Disruptor beams cause enemy units to go into berserk state and attack friendlies.
  • Disruptor beams split off into multiple smaller beams upon impact that can damage further targets and make them go berserk as well.
  • Cloaked.
  • Invisible to radar.
  • Cannot be teleported via Warp Tunnel.
  • Can crush infantry.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.

Aether Warpship

Purpose: Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Unit, Ground Unit Support
Aether Warpship
  • Cost: $6000
  • Prerequisite: Warp Platform, Research Complex, Infinity Core
  • Hitpoints: 1750
  • Armor Type: Experimental Aircraft
  • Speed: 42 (Flying)
  • Exolis Hypercannon
    • Range: 10 · Area of Effect: 3.5
  • Aether Jet (x4)
    • Range: 10

Experimental Unit: Requires Experimental Tech: Aether to be unlocked in addition to normal prerequisites.

The zenith of aerospace engineering, Aether represents first, and so far only one of its kind, an aircraft that is capable of traveling in both Earth's atmosphere and the space under its own power. The exact specifics of its design or why Phantom has created such a craft remain unknown. For combat purposes it is effectively an all-purpose assault and support aircraft, capable of obliterating enemy armies and air squadrons with its Exolis hypercannon, although it has a rather probihitive recharge time. Aether will also launch a group of drone fighters to deal with any enemies, be they on the ground or airborne.

As for the support side of things, one of its core features is to generate a peculiar energy field that can augment any friendly combatants on the ground. Finally, but not the least, the craft itself is fitted with a large-scale personal force field generator that can protect the entire ship from damage. Should the force field be depleted, it will restore over time.

  • Strong Against: Aircraft, Infantry, Vehicles
  • Not Affected By: Mind Control, Berserk, EMP, Active Flashbolt Defense, Warp Weapons, Driver-Killing, Hijacking
  • Resistant To: Radiation, Toxic Clouds
Aether Warpship

Additional Information:

  • Build Limit: 1
  • Has a personal force field. Immunity to environmental damage, absorbs damage up to total of 450 hitpoints /w minimum of 4 hits until it is depleted. Regenerates at 4% per 0.6 in-game seconds, has a delay of 5 in-game seconds after being hit during which regeneration is paused. Replenishes at 20% of the full health after 1 in-game minute after being fully depleted.
  • Exolis hypercannon penetrates and breaks shields & force fields.
  • Sends out 4 jets to attack. Destroyed jets are replaced in 20 in-game seconds, jets do not need to reload.
  • Aether Jets: Hitpoints: 350, Armor Type: Light Aircraft, Speed: 36 (Flying)
  • Friendly ground units within 5 cells of Aether get 30% boost to both firepower and armor strength.
  • Automatically repairs itself over time.